For Christmas this year,
BG and I decided that we would get a
Wii as our gift to each other. Since there is not much else we needed or wanted, we thought it would be great! The only stipulation was that we get a
Wii Fit as well. We have loved doing it and it really is good exercise! Well,
BG was doing it one morning and SD decided she would join in. They are doing the running "game" and she was standing next to him saying, "I
runnin too!" It was so cute.

She has since also learned how to shoot all sorts of animals on
BG's hunting game! I think we have
Annie Oakly on our hands!
You need to get Outdoor Adventure, Erin. It ROCKS! You can play against each other or as a team. It's an active lifestyle game which means your body is moving!
Santa brought it for our kids this year and all of us love it.
Call my wife if we should get the Wii Fit. We have the Wii.
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