Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Crisp Morning Run

As I have said before, I love to run. I went to run this morning and it reminded me of why I love to run in the Fall. It was a cool, crisp 50 degrees out this morning. I bundled SD up (her Daddy is very afraid of her getting sick) in her cute sweater and matching hat, wrapped her footed pajama-clad bottom half with a warm fuzzy blanket and headed out in a long-sleeve t-shirt and shorts. It felt so good when I was running and inhaling the crisp morning air. It is like new life being breathed into you! It felt fabulous!!! It is such a different feeling than running on those muggy summer mornings. I pretty much run during all seasons, although I have a rule that if it is below 20, I stay inside! But, all in all, mornings like this morning are my favorite, whether it is in the Fall or the Spring, 50 degrees is PERFECT!

1 comment:

Tess said...

It is getting SO much nicer for running. Way easier to motivate now.