Monday, October 8, 2007

Random TV Show

My husband has a knack for finding the most off the wall shows that are out there. Last night he was watching Trick My Truck and when it was over I Want to Look Like a HS Cheerleader Again came on. I OF COURSE, got sucked in! It was hilarious!! It is Biggest Loser meets So You Think You Can Dance. You can tell from the beginning that these girls were most definitely former cheerleaders. Most of them are blond, save the two obligatory black girls, a red-head and maybe a brunette. They have that "winning spirit" that you remember your HS cheerleaders having! Always ready to bust out in a cheer! They have no problem using the word squad repeatedly and there were of course tears. Overall, I will watch again if I remember, it was pretty darn funny!


Tess said...

I saw that too. Complete with the trainer from the Cowboys. ACK! Also, I hate the word "squad".

Erin said...

Me too! It is so HS.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like it would be hilarious. But I am afraid it will bring back memories that I have tried the last 10 years to block out!! haha

Merebear said...

is it wrong that i would totally be on that show if i could?