Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Heart Your Blog Award

My good friend from HS gave me this award a while back and I am supposed to pass it on, but I am a little behind!
So, I have been thinking about who to pass it on to. Not sure if it supposed to be a certain number or not, but here it goes!
1. Leaving a Legacy - Becca is a good friend of mine from our old church. Actually, I think we have become even better friends since we moved away. Our hubbies are really good friends and we are very similar. I have loved watching her grow in her faith over the past year or so and I miss getting to see her every week! She is also on her way to becoming my running Buddy!
2. Mama Sings - Becca actually got me reading this blog and I love how Mandi is so real and transparent. She totally inspired me to do the same!
3. Cindy Beall - This lady is amazing really! I do not know her personally, although I feel like I do sometimes. She is an inspiration to Christian Women, especially when it comes to marriage. I am not sure how I got her blog, I think from Mandi maybe, but her story of her marriage got me hooked! Go check her out!
I have a bunch of other blogs that I read, but these three are my favorite and it is hard to rank them after that!

Thanks Erin for giving me the award! I can't wait to see you again in November. It has been way too long!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so honored! Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.