Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Back on Track

After my half marathon last weekend, my daily schedule went to pot! Follow up a half-marathon with a late night on Monday, and it doesn't turn out well for the rest of the week. Then, for the icing on the cake, my mom was in town. All of those distractions were wonderful and enjoyable, but being the Type A girl that I am, I was glad to get back on schedule.

Last week, I barely worked out. I didn't stay on top of my cleaning. I ate way too much junk. I stayed up too late. I slept in too much.

So, this week is all about getting back on track.

Monday started out a little rough, but I had the best plans. I packed my gym bag for yoga and got up only a little late. Unfortunately I had taken Friday off from work and decided that working through lunch was the best choice, so yoga didn't happen. I even cleaned the kitchen and windexed (my Monday chores) so that started the week off on a good foot. I was exhausted from the week so I went to bed early, which set Tuesday up nicely!

Tuesday, I was on! I got up early, before my alarm went off. I got my run in and it felt great! Then I did all of my Tuesday chores and went to bed at a decent hour. Mind you, the sweets consumption was at an all time high, stupid candy corn, they get me every time!

Wednesday, I actually dragged my butt out of bed to get to the gym by 5:45 and I so didn't want too! Unfortunately, I worked late, so it looks like tonight's chores will just have to wait until tomorrow, because I am one tired girl!

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