Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Santa Pics

We went and saw Santa Clause last night, it was actually a perfect night to do it. It was rainy and gross outside and a week night, so we were hoping that it wouldn't be crowded. The Santa was great and very realistic and we only had to wait about 15 minutes or so in line. The only problem was the idiot teenagers working the scene. They let SD sit there for 5 minutes or so before taking her picture. You do NOT do that with a toddler!!!! She did really well, we handed her off to Santa with only a little hesitation and she didn't cry. But, she didn't smile either! She just sat there very stoic! Here are the pics....
Telling Santa that she wants a new "Melmo"

Telling Santa how she loves "Mouse"
Official Picture with Santa


Tess said...

Heh. I love it!

Man, she really looks like her dad in those profile shots.

Anonymous said...

She looked like her dad from the day she was born! There's never been a question as to who the father was! can DEFINATELY see that the ONLY expression you were going to get out of her was "stoic."

Erin said...

Yes, she DEFINITELY looks like her daddy!!! He couldn't deny it if wanted too! Maybe Linus will look like me!

Erin said...

That is so incredibly cute!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Misty said...

I absolutely LOVE the first picture... she has that look like "who are you?" It's just great!