Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Next Best Thing

I am not a huge drinker, but for some reason, my glass of wine has been something I am really missing this pregnancy. So, right now I am having a snack, cheese and crackers and some grapes. That is close right? Almost takes me back to those good old Baylor days! I miss going to wine bars with my friends and sitting on the patio just enjoying each others company and a good glass of wine. I am a red wine drinker myself, but most of the girls drank white wine. We had a great wine bar that we would go to in Waco out by the lake.

One of my favorite memories and pictures from Baylor is when we were celebrating our graduation. We decided that each day of the week leading up to graduation, we would do something we could only do in (or would remind us of) Waco. We had so much fun creating our "Schedule" for that week and for me, it holds so many memories. Anyway, I have a great picture of all of us girls at the wine bar, with tan skin and sunglasses, big smiles on our faces and the sun setting in the background. I will have to try and find that picture and scan and add it (this was before the digital day). I love looking back at my scrapbook (yes, I scrapbooked in college) from that time, we were truly carefree and living life to the fullest! I love my Baylor girls!!! Some of them I still keep in touch with regularly, others we send the occasional email and Christmas Card, but they will always have a special place in my heart!


Tess said...

Well I don't miss not being able to AFFORD the wine bar, that's for sure. Off to George's with my poor ass!

I wonder if I have a picture of that. Man, were we tan in college, or WHAT?

Erin said...

I don't miss that either, but I do miss the care-free part and living so close to my friends! George's was on the list of "to-do" that week and every week!!

Becca in Texas said...

Oh the college days. No one can really make you understand how great it is until you are gone. I miss midnight runs to Sonic for a Route 44 with my buddy Carrie Ann. And just the general goofiness that you have when you are with friends all day every day.

Anonymous said...

Those were such great times!! I do miss those days! I think we did a great job of making the most of it.

I think I know which picture you are talking about! And yeah...we were so tan....sigh.