Linus had his two month check up on Wednesday. Here are the stats: He is 14 lbs 3 oz and 24.25 inches long. He had to get 4 shots and an oral vaccine, he does not like taking medicine, so that on top of the Tylenol they gave him before the shots was a small battle. Our Pediatrician said he looked really good and measured like a 4 month old. When I was writing this all in his baby book, I decided to look and see what SD was doing around this time. Sure enough, she weighed 14 pounds at 4 months and 11 pounds (which is what Linus weighed at 1 month) at 2 months old. He is now in the 90th percentile for weight and high 80th for height. The doctor said he was really healthy, which is always great to hear!

My little baby is growing so fast, he is already out of the 0-3 month clothes. Thankfully, he got to wear them all at least once! He had a ton of 0-3 stuff, but he also spits up a lot, which means lots of wardrobe changes. He is pretty much sleeping through the night now, he usually goes from 9-5, which is nice since I am back at work! My perfect scenario is to stretch him to 6 or 6:30, which I am fine with being his normal wake time (SD usually gets up between 6:30 and 7).
I am thankful for all of my blessings and my babies!
He is adorable!
He really is. :)
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